Friday 27 December 2019

How Missing Teeth create problems?

Teeth play an important role in one's appearance. Lost or damaged teeth can affect one’s life in many physical and psychological ways. 
Bad oral health, injuries or accidents can lead to permanent tooth loss. 

Here are 4 ways in which missing teeth can create problems for you...

Difficulty in Chewing 

One of the important functions of teeth is chewing. But when you lose your teeth, chewing becomes difficult. Missing teeth can cause pain in your mouth while chewing. These difficult will restrict you from eating a variety of food, which will limit your food intake and you may have to miss out on your favorite dishes. The limited food consumption can result in a lack of important nutrients in the body, which can lead to other serious and complicated health issues. 
Mumbai Dental Clinic in Udaipur has the team of best and experienced Dentist in Udaipur, which provides the perfect solutions for the missing teeth. 

Loss of Confidence

Your smile reflects your confidence. Majority of people who have lost their teeth do not smile due to hesitation. They say that they have lost their confidence due to the missing teeth. Many are embarrassed with the way they look due to missing teeth. This uncomfortable feeling and self-consciousness results in very low self-esteem, forcing people to isolate themselves and avoid social gatherings. Many dentists who provide Smile Makeover in Udaipur say that low self-esteem due to the missing teeth in affecting social and professional lives of many people. 

Early Aging 

Your teeth play a vital role in your appearance. Absence of teeth can make you look older.  Teeth provide support to the skin present around your mouth, without teeth, the skin starts hanging and develop wrinkles. A loose and wrinkled skin will surely make you look older than you actually are. Looking older at a young age can put drastic effects on your mental health. 

Difficulty in Speaking 

Missing teeth can cause difficulty in speaking, as speaking requires coordination between muscles and oral structure. The dentists who offer Smile Designing in Udaipur say that many people are unaware that missing teeth are not just affecting their smile and appearance but also the reason behind the difficulty they are facing while speaking. 

Missing teeth can also affect your life in other ways like, difficulty in getting a job, getting married, compromised mental health, and change in facial structure. 

With the help of dentistry, it is easy to get your missing teeth fixed. There are many dental treatments available which can provide a permanent solution to your missing teeth, putting an end to all the problems you are facing. 
You can replace your missing teeth with the help of Dental Implants. Dental implants are affordable, and can help in restoring some or all the missing teeth. If you do not opt for dental implants, you can choose dentures, which also comes as an affordable solution for missing teeth. 

Whether you accept it or not, missing teeth affects your life in many ways. If you are having one or more missing teeth, you must visit an experienced dentist. 

Call – 8107259893
Address –  Branch 1 – Opp. ICICI Bank Madhuban, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Branch 2 – 1st Floor Amber Arcade Opposite Mahila Samridhi Bank Sector 14, Hiran Magri Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001

Thursday 12 December 2019

How to Choose the Right Dentist for your Dental Problems?

Taking care of your dental health is very important while maintaining good oral hygiene; you also need the help of a dentist. 
It is hard to choose the right dentist for your dental problems. Here are a few tips that will help you to find a professional and compassionate dentist, who can ensure a complete solution to your dental issues. There are many Dental Clinics in Udaipur, which have the best dentist to treat the patients. 


Always choose the dentist close to your workplace or home. A dentist nearer to your place will be easy to reach during an emergency. Also, during the regular visit, it will be easy for you to cover the distance and save time. 
Choosing a dentist from a distant location can be problematic for you during your busy schedule or during the emergency. 


While choosing the dentist, make sure you enquire about the amount to be paid. A very high amount can come as a shock to you. Choose the dentist, who charges an affordable fee. Dental care is costly most of the time, make sure your dentist provide you high-quality services at affordable prices. 
Learn about payment methods that your dentist is accepting, there is Dental Specialists in Udaipur who only accept online payments and give good discounts on online payments.


Find about the dentist's qualification before setting up the appointment, the more qualified the doctor is the more efficient it is to handle the complications. Enquire about the dentist’s specialization. Many dentists keep attending different conferences to improve their skills in providing better patient care. The qualification of the dentist is directly related to the quality of services you will receive. 


The experience of the dentist is one of the key aspects you should keep in mind while choosing the one for your dental treatment. Many dentists are highly qualified but lack proper practical experience. Choose a dentist who has experience of at least 5 years. If the dentists are experienced, they will handle any complication with ease. Most of the Dental Treatment Services in Udaipur have experienced and qualified dentists, who are dedicated to patient care and providing a hassle-free treatment. 

Opening hours 

Opening hours of your dentist's clinic play a very crucial role. Many dental clinics are only open during the day, only for limited hours. Choose the dentist, who provides his services during early morning hours or evening hours, so that you can visit him before or after work. Flexible hours will help you to visit the dentist without affecting your work. Also, make sure that the dentist is ready to adjust your appointment according to your requirements. 

Emergency care

Dental emergencies are unpredictable, and there are very few dentists who provide emergency care during odd hours or without an appointment. While choosing your dentist, make sure they provide emergency care or not. It is suggested to choose the dentists who provide emergency dental care. 

Customized plans 

Many dentists provide dental care plans which include a certain set of treatments. Choose the dentist, who is ready to customize the plan according to your requirements. If the dentist is not ready to customize the plan, you may have to pay for the services you do not need. 

Call – 8107259893
Address –  Branch 1 – Opp. ICICI Bank Madhuban, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Branch 2 – 1st Floor Amber Arcade Opposite Mahila Samridhi Bank Sector 14, Hiran Magri Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001

Monday 2 December 2019

How to Take Care of your Teeth during winters

Winter is the season when most of the people suffer from toothaches. The cold temperature makes the teeth extremely sensitive, this sensitivity, then, causes a lot of pain and discomfort. Further, the consumption of hot beverages during cold weather can worsen the sensitivity and cause unbearable pain due to quick change in temperatures. Just like hair and skin, our teeth also need special care during the winters. 
As winter is about to start, here are some tips by Dentists in Udaipur, which you can use to take care of your teeth during winter.

Brush with a soft-bristle toothpaste 
Brushing regularly is one of the easiest ways to take care of your teeth. A brush with hard bristles can make your teeth more sensitive and cause pain. Dental Specialist in Udaipur advice to use a soft bristle toothbrush during winters. Soft bristle toothbrushes are gentle on your teeth and gums and cause no damage. You can also consider using an electric toothbrush or you can also ask for suggestions from your dentist. 

Use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth 

To take care of your teeth during winters, use the toothpaste specially made for sensitive teeth. You can use fluoride-based toothpaste to ease the pain caused by the sensitivity. These kinds of toothpastes contain special compounds to reduce the effects of sensitivity. Use such kinds of toothpaste twice a day to get better results. 

Don’t over brush 

Your teeth and gums become very sensitive during winters, and over-brushing can put harsh effects on them. It can destroy the protecting layers of teeth and cause damage to the enamel. Over Brushing with a hard bristle brush can weaken the gums making them prone to diseases. Specialists of Teeth Cleaning in Udaipur say that we should only brush twice a day. 

Cover your mouth 

While going out, always cover your mouth with a scarf to avoid getting in contact with cold air. Covering your mouth will keep your mouth warm, minimizing the chances of your teeth getting sensitivity. Wearing a scarf will help in keeping your neck and jaw warm, protecting your mouth from cold air. 

Use a mouthwash 

Using mouthwash during winters can help you deal with sensitivity and toothache. Mouthwashes containing fluoride can help you better in keeping your teeth clean during winters by restricting bacteria buildup and removing all remains of food. 

Use Straw 

Drinking hot and cold beverages become tough during winters if you are already suffering from sensitive teeth. Using a straw is a clever idea to avoid discomfort and pain. A straw will help the liquid pass through your mouth without touching your teeth and causing pain. 

Reduce the intake of sugary drinks

Consumption of sugary drinks can promote bacteria buildup in your mouth, making your teeth and gums more vulnerable to infections. To avoid pain during winters, you must avoid sugary drinks and sticky food. 

Maintaining good oral health is important, not only in winter but also in the entire year. Always remember to maintain good oral hygiene and paying regular visits to the dentist. 
Contact –
Address - Branch 1 - Opp. ICICI Bank Madhuban, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Branch 2 - Opp. Mahila Samriddhi Bank, Sector 14, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Call – 8107259893
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Sunday 1 December 2019

How to Take Care of your Teeth during winters

Winter is the season when most of the people suffer from toothaches. The cold temperature makes the teeth extremely sensitive, this sensitivity, then, causes a lot of pain and discomfort. Further, the consumption of hot beverages during cold weather can worsen the sensitivity and cause unbearable pain due to quick change in temperatures. Just like hair and skin, our teeth also need special care during the winters. 
As winter is about to start, here are some tips by Dentists in Udaipur, which you can use to take care of your teeth during winter.

Brush with a soft-bristle toothpaste 
Brushing regularly is one of the easiest ways to take care of your teeth. A brush with hard bristles can make your teeth more sensitive and cause pain. Dental Specialist in Udaipur advice to use a soft bristle toothbrush during winters. Soft bristle toothbrushes are gentle on your teeth and gums and cause no damage. You can also consider using an electric toothbrush or you can also ask for suggestions from your dentist. 

Use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth 

To take care of your teeth during winters, use the toothpaste specially made for sensitive teeth. You can use fluoride-based toothpaste to ease the pain caused by the sensitivity. These kinds of toothpastes contain special compounds to reduce the effects of sensitivity. Use such kinds of toothpaste twice a day to get better results. 

Don’t over brush 

Your teeth and gums become very sensitive during winters, and over-brushing can put harsh effects on them. It can destroy the protecting layers of teeth and cause damage to the enamel. Over Brushing with a hard bristle brush can weaken the gums making them prone to diseases. Specialists of Teeth Cleaning in Udaipur say that we should only brush twice a day. 

Cover your mouth 

While going out, always cover your mouth with a scarf to avoid getting in contact with cold air. Covering your mouth will keep your mouth warm, minimizing the chances of your teeth getting sensitivity. Wearing a scarf will help in keeping your neck and jaw warm, protecting your mouth from cold air. 

Use a mouthwash 

Using mouthwash during winters can help you deal with sensitivity and toothache. Mouthwashes containing fluoride can help you better in keeping your teeth clean during winters by restricting bacteria buildup and removing all remains of food. 

Use Straw 

Drinking hot and cold beverages become tough during winters if you are already suffering from sensitive teeth. Using a straw is a clever idea to avoid discomfort and pain. A straw will help the liquid pass through your mouth without touching your teeth and causing pain. 

Reduce the intake of sugary drinks

Consumption of sugary drinks can promote bacteria buildup in your mouth, making your teeth and gums more vulnerable to infections. To avoid pain during winters, you must avoid sugary drinks and sticky food. 

Maintaining good oral health is important, not only in winter but also in the entire year. Always remember to maintain good oral hygiene and paying regular visits to the dentist. 
Contact –
Address - Branch 1 - Opp. ICICI Bank Madhuban, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Branch 2 - Opp. Mahila Samriddhi Bank, Sector 14, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Call – 8107259893
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Sunday 24 November 2019

Five ways to Maintain your Gum Health

The health of your gums plays a very vital role in maintaining your overall oral health. Many people ignore issues related to gum as it is painless. Gum diseases start because of the settling of the plaque around your gums. 
Inflammation, swelling, soreness, and bleeding in the gums are the signs that your gums are not fine and need medical attention if ignored for too long, gum diseases can cause serious dental problems. Apart from dental issues, gum diseases can also put adverse effects on your overall health like breathing issues, stroke, heart issues, etc. Many Dental Hospital in Udaipur treats hundreds of patients every day with bad breath caused by gum diseases. 

There are numerous ways by which you can take care of your gums and keep them healthy. Here are the 5 ways to maintain your gum health 

Floss everyday 
To maintain good health of gums and teeth, you should floss at least once a day. Flossing is an easy task to do and helps in removing the food particles stuck between teeth. Flossing helps to restrict the growth of plaque. Flossing does not damage your gums and teeth, and it is a safe way to clean your teeth. Dentist providing Gum Treatment in Udaipur suggests flossing to every patient and also teaches them the correct way to do it. 

Brush twice a day
A key to good oral health is brushing twice a day with good toothpaste and a soft-bristle toothbrush. Always move the brush on your teeth in short strokes. Reach the inner side of the teeth by inverting your brush. Brushing removes food trapped between your teeth and gums, thus, restricting bacteria growth. 
You can use an electric toothbrush for better results. Always remember to swap your toothbrush every 2-3 months. For toothpaste, make sure you use a fluoride-based toothbrush for maintaining the good health of your gums. 

Quit smoking 
Smoking can put very bad effects on your gum health. Smoking weakens your gums and makes them prone to infections. Smoking also weakens your immune system, thus making your body more vulnerable to fighting any infections. If you continue smoking, it can affect the blood flowing to your gums thus slowing the healing process of your damaged gums. 

Avoid soda drink
When you drink soda, the sugar in it reacts with the bacteria in your mouth to form acid, these acids then reacts in your mouth and damages your teeth, gums, and enamel. The continuous acid attacks weaken your teeth and gums, making them more prone to infections. 
The best way of saving your gums from the damage caused by soda drinks is to minimize their intake and rinsing your mouth after you finish drinking soda and sweet drinks. 

Go for dental checkups 
Regular dental checkups to the dentists are very important as they keep your teeth and gums healthy. Dentists check your overall oral health and suggest the best methods to keep it healthy. You should visit your dentist every 6 months. Your dentist will ask you general questions and issues you are facing during the checkups to identify the issues. 
You should visit the dentist if you are face issues like gum bleeding, gum swelling, toothache, and pain while chewing. 

You can prevent gum disease by following a proper dental hygiene routine and paying regular visits to the dentist. The majority of Dental Treatment Services in Udaipur provides Gum Treatment.

Monday 11 November 2019

All You Need to Know About the Root Canal Treatment

Branding the root canal treatment as one of the most intimidating dental procedures won’t be wrong. Undoubtedly, there is pain involved in the procedure. But if you have a root canal infection, seek a dentist immediately. Not seeking a dentist for a root canal infection might cause various other severe issues.
Apart from prominent as a painful procedure, RCT has also various myths attached to it. Ask any Root Canal Specialist in Udaipur about these myths and they will give a plethora of them. The myths are the result of no or incomplete knowledge about the procedure. Thus, here we are with everything that you need to know about the root canal treatment. And as we go forward, we hope that we will bust all your myths and introduce you to the facts about the root canal treatment.

Root Canal Treatment: An Overview

Root Canal Treatment (or endodontic treatment) is all about removing and replacing the infected nerves in a tooth. Also, with RCT, a dentist removes and replaces pulp in a tooth. As aforementioned, if you delay the RCT procedure, the infection will not just deteriorate the tooth but will also decay other teeth or even the bone. If this happens, it could lead to major complications and unbearable pain.

RCT is a Costly, Very Costly Affair

This is the biggest myth out there. RCT is not at all costly. And if you are going for Root Canal Treatment in Udaipur, it won’t burn a hole in your pocket. Mumbai Dental Clinic, for instance, boasts of experienced Dentists in Udaipur who is immensely experienced in offering RCT at an affordable price. All in all, RCT is not at all a costly affair. But if ignored, the complications might cost you a fortune.

Is RCT like a Big Surgery?

Many believe that RCT is like a surgery. But it’s not a full-fledged surgery. When you go for an RCT procedure, you are sedated with anesthesia, an access hole is drilled, and the root canal is filled to prevent any chance of re-infection of the tooth in the future. Because everything is done with precision, the procedure might take some time. But if you believe you will be admitted for a day or two before/after RCT, then that’s not the case. Do consider a prominent and experienced Root Canal Specialist in Udaipur. These experienced dentists are known to carry out the RCT procedure quickly and effectively.

When Should I go for an RCT procedure?

RCT is not like a routine health checkup that you have to undergo every month or quarter. Certain symptoms indicate that there is a root canal infection in your tooth. These symptoms are:

  • Pain while Chewing Food
  • Irregular Temperature Sensitivity
  • Darkening of the Tooth Color
  • Tooth Pain
  • Pressure on a Tooth

There are many Dentists in Udaipur that you can consult if you face any of these symptoms. However, for the best diagnosis and treatment of the root canal infection, do consider Mumbai Dental Clinic.

Ways to Prevent Root Canal Infection

Precaution is better than cure! Take care of your oral hygiene to prevent root canal infection. Maintain a brushing routine and floss regularly. Other than brushing, maintain a diet that is healthy for your teeth and gums. Cheese, oranges, fish, green tea, black tea, etc. are some of the supercharged foods that prevent teeth and gum infections. Last but not least, drink lots of water to keep teeth issues at bay. In case, you wish to know more ways to prevent root canal infection, do consult a Root Canal Specialist in Udaipur.

Wrapping Up

That was everything that you need to know about an RCT procedure. We hope we enlightened you over the subject and busted some of the myths related to RCT. If you are looking for a premium quality yet affordable Root Canal Treatment in Udaipur, do consider Mumbai Dental Clinic  - a prominent and trustworthy dentist in town.

Contact –
Address - Branch 1 - Opp. ICICI Bank Madhuban, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Branch 2 - Opp. Mahila Samriddhi Bank, Sector 14, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Call – 8107259893
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Why you need Teeth Whitening Treatment before your Wedding

Weddings are one of the most important moments of your life. It is the moment you wait for the entire life. You plan a lot about your jewelry, dresses, makeup, etc. but you forget to focus on a very important detail: your smile. An unhealthy lifestyle, intake of colas and caffeine, and poor dental hygiene over the years can cause discoloration of the teeth. Stained, Yellowish or discolored teeth can ruin your impression on the guests. Teeth whitening treatment is one of the most effective ways to get a stunning smile and add a wow factor in your personality.
Here are the important reasons why you need teeth whitening treatment before your wedding…

Improves your appearance    

Everyone wants to look perfect on their wedding day. After spending tons on outfits and makeup, you will still not be completely dressed without a beautiful smile. A teeth whitening treatment will help you smile without any hesitation and look even prettier. Perfect white teeth will not only brighten your smile but will also improve your overall appearance. Dental clinics which offer Teeth Whitening and Bleaching in Udaipur say that many to be bride and grooms go for teeth whitening treatment before their wedding and it is also becoming a new trend. Teeth whitening give you cleaner and brighter teeth and also ensure a perfect smile on your big day.

Boosts self-confidence              

When you will have a nice appearance and a beautiful white smile, you will look more confident, and there is nothing more important than looking confident about your wedding day. Dentists in Udaipur suggests that a teeth whitening treatment can do wonders in increasing your beauty on important days; brighter the teeth, prettier the smile. Confident you will be more comfortable in meeting and greeting the guests. Teeth whitening give a very positive effect on your confidence.

Perfect Pictures

Pictures of your wedding day are something that you keep yourself forever; these are the pictures you cherish for a lifetime. Perfect white teeth will help you to pose for hundreds of pictures without any hesitation.
Stained and discolored teeth can ruin your wedding pictures completely. Dentists who provide Smile Makeover in Udaipur suggests going for teeth whitening treatment before the wedding. Teeth whitening treatment help in enhancing the beauty of your smile. Perfect white teeth appear very nice in photographs and can also add an increase in the quality of your wedding pictures. Perfect white teeth will give you confidence as well as an assurance of having a photogenic smile.

Results of teeth whitening treatment can last from a few months to up to three years depending on how you take care of your teeth after the treatment. To have long lasting white teeth after the treatment you must follow a good oral hygiene routine. You must ignore red wine, coffee, colas, smoking or any other habit that can cause discoloration or stains on teeth.
Dentists in Udaipur are providing effective Teeth Whitening Treatments at very affordable prices. Get Best Smile Makeovers from experienced Smile Makeover Dentist in Udaipur. We, a smile Dental Clinic in Udaipur provide smile makeovers like teeth whitening, gap closure, missing teeth, veneers & crowns, smile correction.
Contact –
Address - Branch 1 - Opp. ICICI Bank Madhuban, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Branch 2 - Opp. Mahila Samriddhi Bank, Sector 14, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Call – 8107259893
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Friday 18 October 2019

7 Effective Tips To Cure Toothache for Your Child Naturally

Nowadays, Toothaches are a common problem for children. It usually gets worse quickly if not treated properly. If your child has a toothache, then Book an appointment now to prevent the problem from getting worse. We at Mumbai dental Clinic are known for offering Best Child Dental Care in Udaipur. If your child is suffering from a toothache, then you should book an appointment with us as we are popular for Best Child Dentist in Udaipur.
Here are some tips to cure toothache naturally for your child.

1.    Warm Water Salt

This is the best remedy to remove toothache. Rinse your child's mouth out with warm water mixed with salt. The warm water alleviates the pain and swelling in the gums and salt kills the bacteria. Repeat twice or thrice throughout a day

  2. Clove Oil

 First of all, Squeeze a few drops of clove oil and apply it directly to the tooth to alleviate the pain. You can also squeeze a few drops into a portion of coconut oil and put this mixture in your mouth. Coconut oil also plays an important role in reducing plaque buildup, fight gum disease and prevent tooth decay.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

Rinse a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with water and keep it like mouthwash. It can bring you relief from red and puffy gums. However, you should be very careful that your child doesn’t swallow or ingest this because it can cause stomach issues.

 4. Peppermint

Peppermint is generally used to reduce headaches, colds and even cure toothache.
 Place fresh peppermint leaves against your tooth.
Place a peppermint tea bag until its warm, and then press it against the tooth.
Mix some peppermint oil with the clove oil, apply it to a cotton ball and place that against the irritation for a toothache cure

5. Garlic

Want to reduce tooth pain? Then garlic can act as a natural cure.  Finely chop a garlic clove, smash it and sit for 10 mines, then apply it directly to the affected area. After a minute or two, washout your mouth with warm salt water, if possible.

6. See a dentist soon

Once the child grows more comfortable, schedule a dental appointment for the next available slot. Toothache pain can be caused by a variety of issues, including infections, an injury, a loose tooth, decay in the tooth or impacted food particles etc.
 Although these are toothache cures, the pain may persist or return. It's better to see a dentist, make sure there aren't any issues with your child’s dental health.
We specialize in Dental Health Care for children, and teenagers. Dr. Siddharth Jain is one of the best Kids Dentists in Udaipur. We offer the best Child Dentist Services in Udaipur. Our doctors are well qualified and have experience in treating various cases.
Contact –
Address - Branch 1 - Opp. ICICI Bank Madhuban, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Branch 2 - Opp. Mahila Samriddhi Bank, Sector 14, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Call – 8107259893
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Wednesday 16 October 2019


Say Cheese!!
It is the word we say when our camera man says to smile.  We all heard that word now or then, purpose of saying say cheese, so that people can smile while clicking the picture.
But all is spoilt, when we have a improper dental health and makes our smile dull. Some will say, not taking care is one but wrong care is equally bad for your teeth. But all is not lost. These dental tips will bring back the shine on your teeth.
  1. Brush Properly: Proper brushing is very vital for every person. Proper Brushing not only include teeth, but tongue, and your gums as well. Keeping the brush tilted at 45 degrees, gently brush up and down giving a proper attention to each area. This will help in avoiding bad breath and keep the mouth germ free.
  2. Have a Teeth Friendly Diet: We eat that tastes good. But such food also tends to be bad for our oral region. They tend to cause bacteria, which will result into cause cavities. Have a diet which includes fruits, nuts and green vegetables. These tend to mend the bad breath and give our oral cavity free from unwanted bacteria to penetrate.

  1. Reduce intake of Soda and Alcohol: We all know how bad tobacco for our mouth is. In the same way, soda and alcohol also disrupts our oral culture. These contain phosphorous and overdose of such mineral is bad for our mouth. Giving way to various gum disease and weaken enamel. Instead take juice which provides a better shield against bacteria.
  2. Visit Dentist Periodically: Giving periodic visit to doctor is essential as, they will help in advising more clinical suggestion for better care. A highly specialized dental clinic can provide better recommendation.

If you are looking for Best Dentist in Udaipur?  Then visit Mumbai Dental Clinic and get treatment form Best Dental Doctor in Udaipur. Mumbai Dental Clinic in Udaipur has a truly good, friendly and best Dentist in Udaipur offer most advanced Dental Treatment by latest dental technology and technique. Enquiry now.
Contact –
Address   Branch 1 - Opp. ICICI Bank Madhuban, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Branch 2 - Opp. Mahila Samriddhi Bank, Sector 14, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Call – 8107259893

Wednesday 9 October 2019


What is Orthodontic treatment?
Orthodontic or orthodontia is a branch of dentistry, dealing with the correcting abnormalities of the teeth and jaw. It corrects the bite pressure and spacing of the teeth equally on the oral structure.
It involves:
  • Straightening of Teeth
Why it is done:
Some people have a certain kind of dental deformity, i.e. crooked or crowded teeth. Orthodontic Treatment will move the teeth into a better position. This improves the appearance and also help in the equalizing the pressure on every teeth. Some even have a jaw deformity or teeth sticking out of the mouth. But orthodontic treatment can bring them back in formation. Getting a help from dental specialist it can be achieved. Asymmetry in the meeting of upper and lower jaw can also lead to incorrect bite matching. All these issues can be addressed by orthodontics.
At what age it is recommended:
It is best to get it checked and treated at an early age. But it is not compulsory. As age doesn’t matter over having the right set of teeth
How it is done and who does it:
A qualified dentist marks a full examination and conduct dental x-rays of the mouth. Then dentist will recommend certain treatment which will repair the affected regions. Such treatment requires medical certified appliances like, a brace. A qualified dentist or orthodontist conducts such treatment
How long it takes:
The treatment length solely depends on the severity of the case; it can take from days to months. In some cases, the treatment stays for more than a year. As such treatment takes time to subsume the deformity.
How good is the success and is it permanent?
The success depends on how good is the commitment and how diligently the patient has followed the instructions. After certain treatment, retainers are placed for maintaining certainty of the treatment.
Post- Treatment Care:
  • Brush carefully around the edges and braces. As braces are delicate and tend to break.

Sunday 4 August 2019

5 Situations when you Must Visit a Dentist

Timely visiting a dentist for regular checkups is something that everyone should do, as regular checkups can help the dentist to diagnose the oral problems at an early stage and find an easy cure. There are few signs that indicate that your oral health is getting worse and may give rise to big issues. Here are the five listed situations when you must visit a doctor

1. Teeth Sensitivity
Sensitivity in teeth is pretty much painful and brings a lot of inconveniences. It can become a reason for discomfort and sharp pain while eating, drinking and brushing. A lot of people ignore the sensitivity in the teeth thinking that it will get fine on its own; these people are unaware of the fact that sensitivity can be an early sign of many underlying diseases such as cavities, gum problems, worn fillings or cracked tooth.
Experienced Dentist in Udaipur says that teeth sensitivity can be treated easily if the patient comes to the dentist on early days of facing the issues.

2.    Bleeding Gums
Bleeding gums are the signs that indicate that you are suffering from gum diseases. If not taken seriously swollen and bleeding gums can result in serious issues like gingivitis and periodontitis. If ignored for a very long period of time, this could also result in tooth loss.
Many people do not take sore and painful gums seriously and avoid visiting the dentist due to high consultation charges.
Majority of Dental Hospitals in Udaipur city of Rajasthan, provide easy treatment for gum diseases at very affordable prices 

 3.   Difficulty in Chewing
Many people suffer from pain and stiffness while chewing, but ignore it thinking that it is a temporary situation and will get cured on its own. Many people avoid eating certain foods to ease the pain, which results in a lack of nutrition in them. In many cases difficulty in chewing and jaw pain is a result of some serious conditions like muscle tension, damaged jaw, temporomandibular joint disorder, and oral cancer.

4.   Bad Breath
Bad breath can be embarrassing for anyone and might make the person feel bad and low on confidence. Bad breath can be caused by many reasons such as food habits, poor oral hygiene, or consumption of tobacco products. Bad breath can be cured by using different products available in the market, but if the bad breath persists even after using thing products, you must visit the dentist soon as it can be a sign of mouth infection, nose and throat conditions.
Many Dental Clinics in Udaipur witnessed cases where metabolic disorders were the reason behind bad breaths. 

 5.   Dry Mouth
People think that dry mouth is something you should not worry about, and it can be cured by increasing the intake of fluids. In the majority of situations, it is caused by improper functioning of the salivary gland, but many Dental Specialists in Udaipur says that, If the condition of dry mouth persists for a long period of time, you should definitely visit your dentist as it can be a sign of many serious conditions like unidentified stress, reaction from several medications, autoimmune disorders and side effects of smoking.

Contact –

Address - 1st Floor Amber Arcade Opposite Mahila Samridhi Bank Sector 14, Hiran Magri Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001
Call – 8107259893

Sunday 21 July 2019

Everything You Need To Know About Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are generally prescribed by Cosmetic Dentists to enhance the appearance of teeth when they are discolored, chipped, or cracked. They can also cover up if there is any gap between teeth. If you have ever felt self-conscious about your smile, it’s time to Book an appointment with your dentists. What Are Dental Veneers? Dental veneers are thin covers that cling to teeth to give teeth a more classically shaped look. If you want to enhance your smile, dental veneers are a simple option. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length. They look like natural teeth. We offer a variety of dental veneer options to choose from. Talk to your dentist about what’s best for you.

What are the types of dental veneers?
Veneers improve the smile of a person. Types of dental veneers include:

·      Porcelain veneers:- porcelain veneers are customized thin shell-like covering made to fit teeth according to their flaws.
 Benefits of porcelain veneers include:
·      Porcelain Veneers look natural- no one can identify them as veneers
·      They are long-lasting and strong
·      They are easily cleaned as they do not retain stains from food or tobacco products.

·      Composite veneers:- Composite veneers are applied directly by the dentist and do not require a dental lab preparation. They are resin-based materials that are pasted on to the patient’s teeth and can be done in a single visit to the dental hospital. They are also strong and long-lasting, however not as strong compared to porcelain veneers.

·      Lumineers
    These are ultra-thin veneers that are strong and offer very good cosmetic results in terms of natural-looking teeth. This type of veneer does not require any tooth preparation. It means that there is no tooth size reduction, and no enamel removal.

How do veneers help in restorative dentistry?
Restorative dentistry involves restoring the tooth in healthy condition. Veneers help in sculpting the tooth by removing only the absolutely damaged bit and putting a ‘veneer’ on it to so that a natural look is retained. Dental veneers treatment is provided by cosmetic dentists and orthodontists

What are the advantages of Dental Veneers?
Veneers offers a wide range of dental flaws like:
·      They provide a natural tooth appearance.
·      Gum tissue tolerates porcelain well.
·      Porcelain veneers are stain resistant.
·      The colour of a porcelain veneer can be selected such that it makes dark teeth appear whiter.
·      Veneers offer a conservative approach to changing a tooth's colour and shape; veneers generally don't require the extensive shaping prior to the procedure that crowns do, yet offer a stronger, more aesthetic alternative.
·      In case a crown or cap needs to be placed on the tooth, the veneer saves a lot of enamel which may need to be removed for the purpose of fitting a crown or cap

With an expert team of dentists and orthodontists, we can provide treatment for every kind of dental issue.
Mumbai Dental Clinic provides best Dental Implant services in Udaipur at affordable price. Dr. Siddharth Jain is one of best Dental Implant Specialist in Udaipur.

Saturday 13 July 2019

Want to Beam a Perfect Smile Braces can help you out!

However, not a soul was born with naturally impeccable teeth that are why there are such processes as teeth lightening and braces. If you've got crooked teeth, then you would like to ponder receiving the advantages of teeth braces needs to provide. Straight teeth will unconditionally add associate additional glow to your smile and persona. Your smile is terrifically heightened once your teeth are straighter and whiter, that explains why individuals expend tons of your time, cash and energy in maintaining and fixing their teeth issues. Dental medicine appliances are commonly created out of metal wiring and may be usually seen as unappealing and hostile wanting. They will be removed or perhaps be place in as brackets pasted onto your teeth. After you have braces, your teeth can bit by bit straighten over time, providing you therewith abstract excellent smile. The sole hindrance of normal braces is that the proven fact that they happen to be terribly agonizing for the primary few weeks also as being quite horrid.

This is often why dentists have created new and improved invisible braces that may allow for you to achieve a picture-perfect smile while not having to suffer the planning of vindictive metal braces.
A gorgeous smile basically necessitates Associate in nursing improved vanity. This is often the most advantage of treatment. Having best teeth health and a spick-and-span smile is simply as important as taking care of you on a physical level. While not treatment, your dental medicine issues may lead to several teeth issues. Crooked and overlapping smiles are tremendously tougher to stay clean after they are very uneven. However, with braces, you're able to sleek down your teeth, abolishing the chances of a lot of cavities forming because of misaligned teeth.

How to Smile With Braces

Some individuals with braces is also keep regarding smiling. It will take some obtaining accustomed the means braces look, and lots of individuals feel self aware, particularly after they initial get braces. one in every of the simplest ways in which to feel snug whereas smiling with braces is to follow in order that you become snug smiling. You ought to additionally make sure that you're taking correct care of your teeth and gums. It's doable to smile a lot of with confidence and feel more leisurely whereas sporting braces.
Method – 1 Practicing Your Smile
1.    Exercise your Smile - The best thanks to grow comfy with smiling whereas carrying braces is to apply. Your facial expressions admit a series of muscles in your face, thus "exercising" your smile ahead of a mirror will assist you realize a smile vary that you are comfy with.
·       Stretch the corners of your mouth outward, keeping your lips closed. Hold that create for ten seconds, then unleash it.
·       Repeat the primary stretch, however half your lips merely enough to reveal the road wherever your high row of teeth meet the lowest row of teeth. Hold that create for ten seconds, then unleash it.
·       Stretch the corners of your mouth even farther outward till your lips half enough to reveal roughly 1/2 your teeth. Hold that create for ten seconds, then unleash it.
·       Stretch the corners of your mouth as wide as you'll be able to, exposing all of your teeth. Hold that create for ten seconds, then unleash it.
·       Practice these stretches ahead of a mirror till you discover a smile you are comfy with, and still exercise your facial muscles till you have got total management over your smile.
2.  Develop a more natural Smile - Once you have started effort your facial muscles, subsequent step is to develop a lot of natural, comfortable-looking smile that will not look forced. a technique to try to to this can be to tone further facial muscles.
·       Purse your lips, creating them as massive as attainable whereas propulsion in your cheeks.
·       While keeping your lips pursed, try and at the same time stretch the corners of your mouth outward, into a smile.
·       Hold that create simply long enough that your facial muscles begin to feel washed-out. Then unharnessed it.
·       Do not apply this exercise over once each day, as excessive stretching could cause muscle strain. Over time, this stretch ought to facilitate your smile look a lot of natural and a lot of refulgent.
3.  Increase your flexibility and control - Once you've got practiced stretching and toning your facial muscles, you will wish to figure on gaining any management of your smile. A technique to try to to this is often by operating alternative facial muscles whereas active your smile.
·       Stretch the corners of your mouth outward as way as doable whereas keeping your lips closed.
·       While holding that create, try and wiggle your nose till you're feeling your cheek muscles begin to strain.
·       Hold that create for 5 seconds, then unharnessed. Repeat this exercise up to ten times daily to develop a bigger command over your facial muscles.

Mumbai Dental Clinic offers dental services like Dental Implants, cosmetic dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, gum & Root Canal Treatment, orthodontic, TMJ treatment and much more.

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Call – 8107259893